Part of the Glyn Academies Trust


Y5 Science Day

Last week DaVinci class enjoyed a wonderful day at Tudor Hall. We were able to experience a range of science-based activities that entertained and educated us.  

The day began with a talk in the planetarium where we learnt so many facts about Space. We looked in detail at the planets and then had a brief tour of some of the constellations we can see in our night sky. This tied in beautifully with our topic of Ancient Greece as so many of the constellations are named after characters in Ancient Greek myths.  

After a short break we were treated to a scientific magic show. We learnt how to use slight of hand and science to fool an audience.  

The afternoon consisted of three more activities. We were able to learn about and hold some different animals, mix chemicals to create a rainbow solution and finally become engineers by creating our own marble maze – congratulations to Max and Charlie who created the slowest run.  


It was a super day and we’re very grateful to our guide Lottie and Tudor Hall for hosting us.  


“I loved the Space Dome because I learnt new facts about the Solar System. I learnt that Mars now has no water but might have done in the past.” Kai 


“I liked how the snake felt – it is impossible to explain how it felt!” Tehya 


“The magic show was really un because you couldn’t tell what would happen next!” Michelle 


“I loved the science part as we got to actually mix different chemicals.” Aimee 


“I liked the Space Dome because we learnt about what the stars mean and how we have a compass in the sky.” Charlie